Jan 23, 2020
by Jim Layton On average, the Court handed down its opinion 146 days after oral argument, consistent with the figures for the first and third quarters. But that average was measurably affected by two cases: City of Chesterfield v. State was handed down 468 days after oral argument, and City of Aurora v/ Spectra Communications was handed down a whopping 579 days after oral argument. In each, the Court, in opinions authored by Judge Breckenridge, significantly changed the analysis to
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Jan 21, 2020
by Jim Layton “Most prolific” during the fourth quarter were three judges who each wrote five opinions. Judge Fischer wrote five opinions for the majority. Judge Wilson wrote four for the majority and one dissent. And Chief Justice Draper wrote just two for the majority but three dissents. Judge Powell wrote three majority opinions. Judge Breckenridge wrote two for the majority. Judge Russell wrote one for the majority and one dissent. And Judge Stith wrote one for the majority. The
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Jan 16, 2020
by Jim Layton The 4th quarter of 2019 saw the handing down of 19 opinions (excluding attorney discipline cases). That compares with 21 opinions in each of the 1st and 2nd quarter, and 13 in the 3rd quarter. Of the 19 opinions, just 2 were in criminal cases. Seven of the cases decided in the fourth quarter came directly to the Court on appeal. Four were in writ proceedings. This quarter, the most transfer cases came from the Southern District:
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Nov 25, 2019
Tueth Keeney partnered with the Association of Corporate Counsel ““ St. Louis on November 22, 2019 for its annual CLE luncheon. This year’s presentation was titled: “What’s New and on the Horizon in Employment Law.” The presentation was well attended and covered a variety of topics in employment law. Margaret Hesse and Jim Layton presented on recent Missouri Supreme Court arguments on the Missouri Human Rights Act
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Nov 7, 2019
By Jim Layton On average, the Court handed down its opinion 156 days after oral argument, returning to a figure close to the first quarter’s 160-day turnaround. The fastest resolutions after argument were SC97599, Macke v. Patton, and SC97591, Mo. Coalition v. Clean Water Cmsn.””both argued on May 14 and decided, unanimously, July 16 with opinions written by Judges Fischer and Powell. Macke v. Patton was also the appeal resolved most quickly since filing: just 133 days after it was
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Nov 6, 2019
Publisher Thomsen Reuters has released the 2019 Supplement to its Appellate Practice volume in the Missouri Practice Series, authored by Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton. The supplement updates rules, statutes, and caselaw pertinent to practice in all Missouri appellate courts. Jim has authored the annual supplements for more than a decade. Each year he reviews all Missouri appellate decisions, compiling changes that affect what
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Nov 5, 2019
By Jim Layton Judge Powell lost the “most prolific” title to Judge Stith: Judge Stith authored 3 majority opinions (one more than Judge Powell) and 2 dissents (tying Judge Powell). Only Judge Stith authored more than 2 majority opinions, and Judge Breckenridge and Chief Justice Draper authored just 1 each. The number of majority opinions authored so far this year are:
- Judge Powell: 11
- Judge Russell: 9
- Judge Stith: 9
- Chief Justice Draper: 8
- Judge Fischer: 7
- Judge Wilson:
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Oct 31, 2019
By Jim Layton The 3rd quarter of 2019, which includes the summer doldrums, saw the handing down of just 13 opinions (excluding attorney discipline cases). That compares with 21 opinions in each of the 1st and 2nd quarter. Of the 13 opinions, 4 were in criminal cases, 1 in a juvenile commitment, and 8 in civil cases. Four of the cases decided in the first quarter came directly to the Court on appeal””a lower number but higher percentage than earlier
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Oct 10, 2019
New Missouri Bar President Tom Bender appointed Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton as Co-Chair of the Bar’s new Appellate Practice Committee. The committee was approved by the Missouri Bar Board of Governors earlier this year. Jim’s presentation of an appellate practice update will highlight the Committee’s first meeting, scheduled to be held in Jefferson City on November 22, 2019. The Appellate Practice Committee has 177 members, including lawyers and judges. It was established to provide opportunities for Missouri lawyers to consider
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Oct 2, 2019
On October 4 in Columbia, Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton, former Missouri Solicitor General, will join Michael Wolff, former Missouri Supreme Court judge and SLU Law School Dean, to discuss “Constitutional Revision in Missouri.” The event, which is open to the public, is sponsored by the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy at the University of Missouri. Details are at: https://democracy.missouri.edu/events/constitutional-revision-in-missouri/
James Layton leads the firm’s Appellate practice group and is a member of the
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