Celynda L. Brasher and Michelle H. Basi present at 35th Annual Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education Conference

Celynda L. Brasher and Michelle H. Basi presented at the 35th Annual MO-CASE Conference on September 24, 2012 at the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.   The MO-CASE Conference is the largest annual meeting of Special Education Administrators held in the state.   Ms. Brasher and Ms. Basi’s presentation, titled, “Transitions:   The Big Two ““ Transition Plans and Graduation (the Ultimate Transition),” addressed the legal requirements for graduation and transition plans under the IDEA, and provided practical guidance

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Tueth Keeney Completes Another Year of Successful School Law Seminars

“Close to 500 school superintendents, administrators and school board members from across the State of Missouri attended Tueth Keeney’s Annual School Law Seminars held in July, 2012. Tueth Keeney presents the seminars annually to clients and members of the education community on a broad range of legal topics that affect school districts.   The Seminars were held over three days across the state in Blue Springs, MO, Lake of the Ozarks, MO,

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Celynda Brasher to Conduct Webinar Produced by the Missouri School Boards Association

Celynda L. Brasher has been invited to participate in the Practical Personnel Webinar Series to be produced by the Missouri School Boards Association.   Celynda’s webinar will answer the question “Are Early Separation Incentives a Good Option for Your District?”   Celynda will discuss the financial and legal implications of adopting an ESIP ““ including the uncertainties associated with related tax issues.   The session is scheduled for January 25, 2011, with the exact time to be determined. read more

Melanie Keeney, Ian Cooper, and Celynda Brasher Selected to 2011 Missouri Super Lawyers.

Melanie Keeney, Ian Cooper, and Celynda Brasher have been selected to the 2011 Missouri Super Lawyers.   Melanie was also recognized as one of the top 50 female lawyers in the state of Missouri by Super Lawyers.   Super Lawyers is a listing of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.   Melanie was selected in Immigration Law, Ian was selected in Employment Litigation

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Celynda L. Brasher Invited to Speak at the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education Winter Institute

Celynda L. Brasher has been invited to speak to the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education Winter Institute, to be held on December 2 and 3, 2010, at the St. Charles Convention Center.   The theme of this year’s Institute is “Behavior.”   Celynda will speak on “Difficult v. Violent Behavior ““ 45 Days or 45 Days?”   The presentation will explore the options available to school districts when a student is violent ““ and how to make the

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Celynda L. Brasher is Featured Speaker at Missouri Special Education Law Seminar

Celynda L. Brasher spoke to the Special Education Law Seminar sponsored by the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education (Mo-CASE) and the Missouri School Boards Association on September 26, 2010.   More than 1,000 special education administrators were present to hear Celynda speak to the general law session regarding “How to Respond to an OCR Complaint.”   On September 27, 2010, Celynda gave a presentation to special education administrators participating in the Mo-CASE Annual Conference Break-Out Sessions.   The

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Firm Attorneys Create Professional Development Training Videos for Missouri Council of School Administrators

The Missouri Council of School Administrators (MCSA) invited the firm of Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt P.C. to produce a series of professional development training videos on various legal topics. The training videos will be available for members of the MCSA to view on the MCSA’s website. The MCSA is the umbrella organization for two autonomous statewide professional associations of public school administrators. The Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) serves school superintendents. The Missouri Association of Elementary School

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Celynda Brasher and Michelle Basi Win Summary Judgment for College in Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

Celynda Brasher, Tueth Keeney shareholder, and Michelle Basi, Tueth Keeney associate, recently won summary judgment in a lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Missouri. The pro se plaintiff filed charges against St. Charles Community College alleging race, age and gender discrimination. The plaintiff had applied for twelve different positions at the College and was not hired for any of them. Judge Donald Stohr, of the Eastern District of Missouri ruled in favor of the Defendant on April 12, 2010,

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Celynda Brasher Leads Session on Superintendents Contracts at MSBA 2009 Annual Conference

Attorneys from Tueth Keeney often contribute their time and talents on a voluntary basis to educate and inform their colleagues. Firm Shareholder Celynda Brasher recently spoke at the Missouri School Board Association’s 2009 Annual Conference. The conference was a three-day event that was held at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri, and attracts public school administrators from around the state. On Friday, October 23, 2009, Celynda conducted a session titled “Negotiating Superintendent Contracts”. The session addressed the process and

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Celynda Brasher is Featured Presenter for MSBA Annual Conference Speaking on Methods Districts Use to Resolve Disagreements with Unions

Tueth Keeney attorneys are often asked to speak regarding a variety of legal issues facing school administrators because of their breadth of knowledge and experience with public school districts. The Missouri School Board Association recently hosted their 2009 MSBA Annual Conference. Each October the MSBA conducts a 3-day conference that is the largest gathering of public school policymakers in Missouri. Celynda Brasher, firm shareholder, conducted a session on October 23, 2009 as part of the MSBA Annual Conference. Celynda’s presentation

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