Feb 15, 2012
Rob Jackstadt recently won summary judgment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois in Anderson v. Board of Education of Cahokia School District No. 187. The plaintiff in that lawsuit claimed that he was dismissed from his job in retaliation for certain comments made by his wife that were critical of various employees of the Cahokia School District. On February 14, 2012, United States District Judge G. Patrick Murphy granted the motion for summary
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Jan 31, 2012
Ian Cooper and Kate Nash recently prevailed in a trial for Washington University against the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. The University filed an action in the Circuit Court of Cole County challenging the jurisdiction of the MCHR over a former student’s discrimination and retaliation claims. The University asserted that the MCHR lacked jurisdiction over the student’s Complaint of Discriminiation because the University’s academic program was not a “place of public accommodation” under the Missouri Human Rights Act.
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Jan 4, 2012
Ian Cooper and John Reynolds won summary judgment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois in Erlandson v. ConocoPhillips. The plaintiff claimed that he and other members of a putative class were not paid “retention bonuses” plaintiff valued in the millions of dollars following the merger between ConocoPhillips and Burlington Resources. On January 3, 2012, after previously denying Plaintiff’s request for class certification, Judge David Herndon denied plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment and
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Jan 2, 2012
In recognition of their outstanding service to our clients and to the Firm, Michelle Hammond Basi and Martha Mendez-Fischer were named Senior Attorneys. Michelle concentrates her practices in education law and employment law. Martha concentrates her practice in immigration law. Congratulations Michelle and Martha!
Michelle Hammond Basi practices in the areas of school law, special education, school litigation, and labor and employment law. Michelle represents school districts throughout Missouri with respect to employment and termination matters,
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Dec 20, 2011
Michelle Hammond Basi was recognized by the Missouri Bar on December 16, 2011, for excellence in CLE presentation. Michelle was a featured presenter in the Missouri Bar CLE seminar on School Law on August 17, 2011. Recently, the materials Michelle prepared for the seminar were featured in the “Best of CLE Course Materials” section of the weekly Esq. Newsletter from the Missouri Bar. Michelle Hammond Basi practices in the areas
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Dec 6, 2011
Ian Cooper and Kate Nash won dismissal of a putative class action entitled Dunn v. Board of Regents filed in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County against several Missouri public universities, including the University of Missouri. The plaintiffs claimed that they were not provided the full tuition reduction benefits provided for in the Missouri Returning Heroes”™ Act. Ian and Kate successfully argued that the plaintiffs”™ claims lacked any merit and, on December 5, 2011, Judge Ellen Levy
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Dec 3, 2011
Melanie Gurley Keeney was a featured speaker at a meeting of the School Human Resource and Career Services Association (SHRCSA) on December 2, 2011. Melanie provided attendees with an update on immigration law, including Employer compliance and Sanctions, E-Verify and I-9’s. Melanie Keeney practices in the areas of Employment, Immigration, and Education law. Melanie represents institutions of higher education, corporations and individuals in immigration law matters, including obtaining nonimmigrant and immigrant visas and
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Dec 1, 2011
Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, has named Melanie Gurley Keeney as the “St. Louis Best Lawyers Immigration Law Lawyer of the Year” for 2012.
Melanie Gurley Keeney practices in the areas of Employment, Immigration, and Education law. Melanie represents institutions of higher education, corporations and individuals in immigration law matters, including obtaining nonimmigrant and immigrant visas and handling employer sanctions issues,
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Nov 18, 2011
John J. Mohan has been named a Senior Counselor by the St. Clair County (Illinois) Bar Association. John was honored by the Bar Association at its dinner on November 17, 2011.
A founding Shareholder of the Firm who recently celebrated his 40th year as an attorney, John practices within the areas of workers”™ compensation law, education litigation and construction litigation. He is duly licensed in both Missouri and Illinois. John has also served as an Assistant
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Nov 18, 2011
Melanie Gurley Keeney and Ian Cooper were featured speakers at a meeting on November 17, 2011, of the St. Louis Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel. Ian and Melanie covered Key Decisions in Defending Employment Claims and focused on best practices for avoiding litigation, key decisions that impact trials of employment claims, and proper handling of the investigations and related matters. Melanie Keeney practices in the areas of Employment, Immigration, and Education
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