Partial Reinstatement of the DACA Program

As noted in our previous blog, available here, on September 5, 2017, President Trump’s Administration announced rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants a temporary reprieve from deportation (known as deferred action) as well as work authorization for certain young people who entered the United States before the age of 16.   Following this announcement various lawsuits were filed challenging rescission of the program. On January 9, 2018, a federal judge in

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Appellate News: A New Approach to the Missouri “Legal File”

Summary: The method of assembling the record for an appeal in Missouri state courts changed substantially on January 1, 2018. Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton describes the change””and provides some hints. Appellate News: A new approach to the Missouri “legal file” Many lawyers looked past the Missouri Supreme Court’s June 30 order announcing a substantial revision of Rule 81.12, “Record on Appeal,” and a new Court Operating Rule 27.04. But starting January 1, 2018, those changes created a

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Appellate practice news: The end of (some) double spacing in Missouri

Effective January 1, 2018, a new Missouri rule dramatically changes the line spacing requirements for appellate briefs. The rule effective until December 31 required double spacing for everything in the brief that matters to the writer””and the reader: Rule 84.06(a) “¦ The Brief shall: “¦ (5) Be double-spaced, except that the cover, any required certificate of service, certificate required by Rule 84.06(c), and signature block may be single-spaced. The double-space rule was imposed because when brief length was regulated by

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Seven Tueth Keeney Attorneys Recognized by Super Lawyers

Tueth Keeney is pleased to announce that seven of its attorneys have been selected to the 2017 Missouri & Kansas Super Lawyers list.   Ian P. Cooper has been selected in the primary practice area of Employment Litigation: Defense.   Michelle H. Basi, Celynda L. Brasher, Margaret A. Hesse and Katherine L. Nash have been selected in Schools and Education.   Melanie Gurley Keeney, and Mollie Hennessee are listed in the primary practice

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Travel Ban 3.0 Reinstated

As noted in a previous blog, on September 24, 2017, President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation, placing certain visa/travel restrictions on nationals of eight identified countries, subject to various exclusions for certain individuals, including current lawful permanent residents (i.e., green card holders). As noted in a subsequent blog, on October 17, 2017, federal district courts in Maryland and Hawaii issued preliminary injunctions prohibiting implementation of key aspects of the Proclamation. Those orders were then appealed

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Jim Layton Files Suit on Behalf of a Member of the State Board of Education Who Governor Greitens Attempted to Fire Last Week

Jim Layton of Tueth Keeney filed suit this morning on behalf of a member of the State Board of Education who Governor Greitens attempted to fire last week. Governor Greitens appointed Tim Sumners to the State Board in October. But on November 20, a member of the Governor’s staff called Mr. Sumners to say that the governor had “withdrawn” the appointment. Governor Greitens then appointed Jennifer Edwards to the Board. When Mr. Sumners appeared at the November

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Jim Layton Seeks Missouri Supreme Court Review of Property Tax Assessment Decision

Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton has filed an application for transfer in the Missouri Supreme Court on behalf of the Cole County (Missouri) Assessor. The case, Union Electric (Ameren) v Estes (No. SC96781) is the lead appeal among those from 16 counties where Ameren sought lower assessments on natural gas distribution property. The amount ultimately at issue is significant to school districts and others who rely on property tax: the amount could be as much as $600,000 annually in Cole County

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Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan & Jackstadt P.C. ranked in 2018 “Best Law Firms”

U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers, for the eighth consecutive year, announce the “Best Law Firms” rankings. Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan & Jackstadt P.C. has been ranked in the 2018 U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” list regionally in 5 practice areas. Firms included in the 2018 “Best Law Firms” list are recognized for professional excellence with persistently impressive ratings from clients and peers.

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Recent Updates on President Trump’s Travel and Refugee Bans

As noted in a previous blog (available here), on September 24, 2017, President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation placing certain visa/travel restrictions on nationals of eight identified countries, subject to various exclusions for certain individuals, including current lawful permanent residents (i.e., green card holders). Like the President’s previous Travel Bans (discussed in the blogs available here and here), federal district courts in Maryland and Hawaii have issued preliminary injunctions enjoining enforcement of the visa/travel restrictions

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Rescission of Deference to Prior Decisions Granting Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Status

On October 23, 2017, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) issued updated policy guidance directing its officers to “apply the same level of scrutiny to both initial petitions and extension requests for certain nonimmigrant visa categories.” Previous policy had instructed officers to give deference to the findings of previously approved petitions, as long as there was no evidence of fraud or material error related to the prior determination and the key elements remained the same. The updated guidance removes this

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