Celynda Brasher and Michelle Basi Win Victory for Northwest School District, Uphold Project Labor Agreement Against Legal Challenge

Tueth Keeney attorneys Celynda Brasher, Michelle Basi, and Laura Hemmer won an important victory for Northwest School District, upholding the district’s Project Labor Agreement in a case of first impression under the new Missouri Statute that permits challenges before the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission and the state courts. Following a hearing and submission of legal briefs, the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (“LIRC”), in Jefferson City, Missouri issued its determination on December 3, 2008. This was the very first

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Merry Rhoades and Laura Hemmer Conduct In-Service for South Macoupin Educators

Tueth Keeney attorneys, Merry Rhoades and Laura Hemmer, conducted a two day in-service for educators in South Macoupin County. The in-service took place on August 5th and August 6th, 2008, and provided Back-to-School information on the Ins and Outs of Compliance with IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Merry and Laura specifically focused on writing a defensible IEP, the disciplining of a special education student, responding to parent provided evaluations, and response to intervention. Minimizing legal

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Merry Rhoades and Laura Hemmer Present In-Service to Roxana School District Faculty Regarding on FERPA and Social Networks

Tueth Keeney education attorneys, Merry Rhoades and Laura Hemmer spent February 1, 2008 speaking with the faculty of Roxana Community Unit School District No. 1 regarding the Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and Social Networks. Minimizing legal risks to its clients is an important focus of Tueth Keeney. To minimize a client’s legal risks, Tueth Keeney attorneys often present in-services for its clients. Tueth Keeney is proud of its commitment to the advising and educating of school administrators

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