Celynda L. Brasher has been invited to speak to the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education Winter Institute, to be held on December 2 and 3, 2010, at the St. Charles Convention Center. The theme of this year’s Institute is “Behavior.” Celynda will speak on “Difficult v. Violent Behavior ““ 45 Days or 45 Days?” The presentation will explore the options available to school districts when a student is violent ““ and how to make the distinctions necessary when choosing the appropriate option. Celynda will clarify the situations in which suspension or expulsion may be imposed and explain the differences between the 45-day alternative interim setting for serious bodily harm and the 45-day placement for a student who is substantially likely to harm himself or others.
Celynda L. Brasher is a founding Shareholder of Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt P.C. She practices in the areas of education, litigation and labor and employment law. Celynda represents numerous school districts throughout Missouri. She regularly advises boards of education and administrators on matters involving employee hiring, evaluation, remediation, and termination; student rights and discipline; special education; Section 504; school finance; civil rights; employment and business contracts; the Open Meetings Act; church/state issues; and other constitutional matters. Celynda also represents public, private, and non-profit employers in discrimination defense, collective bargaining, union organization, unemployment compensation, wage/hour compliance and terminations, as well as a variety of other employment law areas. Celynda has extensive litigation experience in federal and state courts and before federal and state administrative agencies.
Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt P.C. has one of the largest and most successful education law groups in the country. The Firm regularly serves the legal counsel needs of approximately 150 school districts throughout Missouri. The Firm also has one of the largest school law practices in Central and Southern Illinois.