SB 739 – Anti-Discrimination Against Israel Act, Contracting Officers Beware…

by Lisa Berns The Missouri legislature’s truncated and recently completed 2020 session did not produce as much legislation as is typical. Nonetheless one of the few bills that has made it out of the capitol has some terms that (assuming it is not vetoed by Governor Parson) Missouri public school district and community college district officials should be fully aware of for all new contracts, requests for proposal and purchase orders going forward. Truly agreed to and finally passed Senate

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USCIS Offices Reopening June 4th

Beginning June 4, 2020, certain USCIS field offices and application support centers will resume non-emergency face-to-face services to the public. USCIS field offices will send notices to applicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments and naturalization ceremonies impacted by the extended temporary closure.

Kristine Nazir represents corporations and institutions of higher education with their immigration needs, including obtaining temporary and permanent visas, handling employer sanctions issues, I-9 and E-Verify employment eligibility verification compliance, consular processing, and naturalization.  Prior to

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Presidential Proclamation Announces Brazilian Travel Restrictions

by Kristine Nazir As you may have heard, President Trump has issued a proclamation suspending entry into the U.S. for any individual who has been in Brazil within 14 days immediately preceding their arrival to the U.S. The travel restriction does not apply to U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (green card holders), or to most immediate family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. The travel restriction goes into effect on May 28, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight

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Illinois General Assembly Eases IEP Administrative Burdens

by Merry Rhoades The Illinois General Assembly, at its May 22, 2020 Special Session, relieved administrative burdens on special educators.  Below is a summary of changes to Sections 14-8.02f and 14-8.02h of the Illinois School Code: Changes to Section 14-8.02f

  • Starting July 1, 2020, any evaluation report or data collected to be considered at an eligibility meeting or IEP review meeting is to be provided 3 school days prior to the scheduled IEP meeting. For a student previously determined
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Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Regulations: What Missouri Public Schools Need to Know

On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) released the final Title IX regulations (“Final Rule“).  The implementation date for the Final Rule is August 14, 2020.  While discussion about the Title IX regulations has largely centered on colleges and universities, the changes will also impact how K-12 districts in Missouri should respond to students’ reports of sexual assault and harassment under Title IX.  Notably, the regulations deviate significantly from the “Dear Colleague Letters”

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Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Regulations: What Illinois Schools Need to Know

On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) released the final Title IX regulations (“Final Rule“).  The implementation date for the Final Rule is August 14, 2020.  While discussion about the Title IX regulations has largely centered on colleges and universities, the changes will also impact how K-12 districts in Illinois should respond to students’ reports of sexual assault and harassment under Title IX.   Below are some of the key Title IX provisions

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Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Regulations: Key Provisions for Higher Ed

by Veronica Potter On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) released the final Title IX regulations (“Final Rule”). ED had previously issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) in November 2018. The NPRM was subject to notice and comment through January 2019, and during this time, over 124,000 comments were submitted to ED. The implementation date for the Final Rule is August 14, 2020. The Final Rule is quite lengthy – over 2,000

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Updated Illinois Stay at Home Order – What This Means for Illinois Schools

by Elizabeth Kelly On April 30, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-32, which formally extended Illinois’ Stay-at-Home Order through May 30, 2020. Additionally, he issued Executive Order 2020-33, which extended previous executive order directives, such as the relaxation of the Open Meetings Act in-person attendance rules, teacher licensure renewal timelines, and the suspension of in-person school instruction. Below is an outline of some key provisions of the new Stay-at-Home Order that

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Department of Labor Issues Updated Guidance Regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 24 and 26, 2020, the Department of Labor issued updated guidance regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”).   Specifically, the guidance addresses how employers should handle employee leave under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (“EPSLA”) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“EFMLA”).   The updated guidance addresses the following issues:

  • How to count employees for the 500-employee threshold
  • Documentation required to qualify for the small business exemption
  • Calculating hours and rates
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Illinois Schools: Illinois Open Meetings Act Temporary Guidance

Executive Order 2020-07, issued on March 16, 2020, suspended key elements of the OMA regarding board member attendance and participation at public meetings. Normally, the Open Meetings Act requires that a majority of a quorum be physically present at all meetings. Additionally, it places strict conditions on when a board member may participate in a meeting remotely. However, Executive Order 2020-07 has temporarily suspended both of these rules. Therefore, until April 8, 2020, all board members are permitted to participate

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