Firm Shareholder Pete Yelkovac has been selected by the St. Louis County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as an “Inspiring St. Louisan.” Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Since 1909, the NAACP has maintained a legendary legacy for fighting legal battles to win social justice for all Americans. The twenty five leaders recognized by the St. Louis County NAACP as “Inspiring St. Louisans” have
Mar 23, 2013
Ian Cooper was a featured speaker at NACUA’s annual Higher Education Discrimination Law workshop in Nashville, Tennessee on March 22, 2013. Ian spoke on “Managing High Profile Discrimination Litigation.” Approximately 250 in-house counsel from colleges and universities across the United States attended this year’s NACUA workshop.
Ian Cooper is a founding Shareholder of Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt, P.C. Ian practices in the areas of employment, higher education, commercial and tort
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Feb 21, 2013
Melanie Keeney, shareholder with the firm, recently spoke at the Annual CACUBO Winter Workshop in Indianapolis. The Central Association of College and University Business Officers’ (CACUBO) Winter Workshop, had the theme “Navigating the Crossroads of Higher Education.” Melanie presented an “ADA/FMLA Update” on February 20, 2013.
Melanie Gurley Keeney, a founding Shareholder of Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt, P.C. , practices in the areas of Employment, Immigration, and Education
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Jan 10, 2013
Ian Cooper and Kate Nash have won the dismissal of a class action filed against the University of Missouri by Iraq war veterans claiming that the University denied them benefits under Missouri’s Returning Heroes”™ Act. On January 9, 2013, Judge Thomas Prebil dismissed the Plaintiffs”™ claims with prejudice in Dunn v. Curators of the University of Missouri, et al. Judge Prebil’s dismissal order is the second time Ian and Kate have defeated plaintiffs seeking class certification of
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Jan 4, 2013
On January 3, 2013, Arbitrator Thomas F. Gibbons issued a decision denying a grievance filed by the Roxana Education Association, IEA-NEA (the “REA”), and upholding a directive issued by the Roxana Community Unit School District No. 1. The REA filed its grievance on May 3, 2012, challenging the District’s requirement directing certified employees to work collaboratively in professional learning teams (“PLTs”) during a portion of their planning time. The AAA arbitration hearing was held in October, 2012. Following post
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