Melanie Gurley Keeney Moderated ELA Panel Discussion in Lisbon, Portugal

Melanie Gurley Keeney moderated a lively panel discussion in Lisbon, Portugal on October 14, 2019, for the Employment Law Alliance entitled: “Politics, Economics, and the Law Collide: How Global Businesses are Impacted by These Land Mines.”  The panel discussion was very lively and included Duncan Inverarity, Head of the Labor and Employment Practice for A&L Goodbody from Dublin, Ireland; Jeffrey Wilson, Counsel for JunHe

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Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton Appointed Co-chair of Missouri Bar Appellate Practice Committee

New Missouri Bar President Tom Bender appointed Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton as Co-Chair of the Bar’s new Appellate Practice Committee. The committee was approved by the Missouri Bar Board of Governors earlier this year. Jim’s presentation of an appellate practice update will highlight the Committee’s first meeting, scheduled to be held in Jefferson City on November 22, 2019. The Appellate Practice Committee has 177 members, including lawyers and judges. It was established to provide opportunities for Missouri lawyers to consider

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Margaret Hesse Recognized as One of 2019’s Best Attorneys

Tueth Keeney attorney and firm president, Margaret Hesse has been recognized by Small Business Monthly as one of 2019’s Best Attorneys.

Margaret A. Hesse is a shareholder with the law firm of Tueth Keeney.   She primarily  practices in the areas of education law, employment law, and litigation and has represented school districts across both Missouri and Illinois for many years.  Margaret’s experience in includes defending school districts in matters

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Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton to Speak on the Topic of Revising or Replacing the Missouri Constitution

On October 4 in Columbia, Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton, former Missouri Solicitor General, will join Michael Wolff, former Missouri Supreme Court judge and SLU Law School Dean, to discuss “Constitutional Revision in Missouri.” The event, which is open to the public, is sponsored by the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy at the University of Missouri. Details are at:

James Layton leads the firm’s Appellate practice group and is a member of the

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New Efforts to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Missouri Schools

House Bill 604, signed by Missouri Governor Mike Parson on July 11, 2019, attempts to close loopholes by tightening up prevention methods and outlining new required training for board members as well as students. Below are the new requirements: Screening for Volunteers– As of August 28, 2019, any school volunteer who will be left alone with a student will first be required to pass a background check. These volunteers could include, but are not limited to:

Jim Layton Appointed to St. Louis County Charter Commission

St. Louis County Executive Sam Page has appointed Tueth Keeney’s Jim Layton to the St. Louis County Charter Commission.   In 2018, St. Louis County voters chose to have the Commission review the current County Charter and proposing either a new charter or amendments.   The Commission must finish its work by the end of 2019.

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Missouri Supreme Court Quarterly Report, July 2019, Part 2: Types, Routes, and Results

Types of cases decided by the Court: The majority of the cases decided by the Missouri Supreme Court in the second quarter of 2019 were civil cases: In 21 opinions, the Court decided appeals in 8 criminal and 14 civil cases. Routes to the Court:

  • 5 of the cases decided in the first quarter came directly to the Court on appeal (compared to 6 in the first quarter).
  • 11 came via writ petitions (compared to 10).
  • 6 came on
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Missouri Supreme Court Quarterly Report, July 2019, Part 1: Who? And how long did it take?

During the second quarter of 2019, April-June, the Missouri Supreme Court handed down 21 opinions, deciding 22 cases””about the same as the first quarter. This first part of my quarterly report details who wrote the Court’s opinions, and how long the Court took to issue opinions. Who:

  • Judge Powell was again the most prolific writer: he authored 4 majority and 3 other opinions. At the other extreme, Judge Wilson authored just 1 opinion””for the majority.
  • The judge who most
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Missouri Supreme Court Quarterly Report, April 2019, Part 2: Types, routes, and results

Types of cases decided by the Court. The majority of the cases decided by the Missouri Supreme Court in the first quarter of 2019 were civil cases: The Court decided 3 criminal cases and 1 discipline matter; the other 20 cases were civil. Routes to the Court.

  • 6 of the cases decided in the first quarter came directly to the Court on appeal.
  • 10 came via writ petitions.
  • 8 came on transfer from the Court of Appeals””3
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Missouri Supreme Court Quarterly Report, April 2019, Part 1: Who? And how long did it take?

During the first quarter of 2019, January-March the Missouri Supreme Court handed down 21 opinions, deciding 24 cases. This first part of my quarterly report details who wrote the most opinions, and how long the Court took to issue opinions. Who:

  • Judge Powell was the most prolific writer: he authored 5 majority and 3 other opinions. At the other extreme, Judge Breckenridge authored just 1 majority opinion and 1 concurring opinion.
  • The judge who most often authored or joined
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