Our Core Values
Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt P.C., is different by design. Our founding shareholders established a unique firm with a practical focus and the ability to offer creative, flexible solutions to our clients’ legal challenges. Tueth Keeney is committed to providing clients with the highest quality of legal services in all facets of our practice, and to ensuring that our clients’ legal issues and concerns are always our paramount focus.
Consistent with our philosophy of personal contact, quality services, and efficient results, Tueth Keeney attorneys agree to adhere to the following core values in all of our actions and decisions, as lawyers and members of the Firm:
“Amidst all our success, we are most proud of our enduring relationships with our clients, whose legal challenges have been, and will always remain, our paramount focus.”
- We are leaders in our fields – we have unsurpassed proficiency in our particular areas of practice.
- We provide the greatest value by giving our clients the most practical and efficient advice possible.
- Our clients’ goals are our highest priority – we put those goals above our personal interests.
- We form deep, trusting, and long-lasting relationships with existing and new clients – we treat our clients as colleagues and friends.
- We are creative, resourceful and imaginative when addressing our clients’ legal needs.
- We are forward-thinking, entrepreneurial, and visionary regarding our legal practice.
- We protect and promote our relationships with each other – we respect and support each other, and communicate all relevant information.
- We achieve consistent professional growth through training, delegation and transition.
- We act with the highest ethics and integrity in everything we do – without exception.
- We are not simply driven by profit – rather, we know that we will be successful, both personally and professionally, by remaining client centered and being the best at what we do.
- We strive to ensure the continuation of our firm’s excellence and success into the future, through both practice-group and individual collaboration between all levels of firm attorneys.
- We promote the professional growth of our attorneys through mentoring, the development of relevant practice area skills, and with progressively increasing experience and responsibility.
We agree to measure our success – collectively and individually – in light of these core values. Indeed, amidst all our success, we are most proud of our enduring relationships with our clients, whose legal challenges have been, and will always remain, our paramount focus. We invite you to learn more about our firm, our practice areas, and our attorneys, and how we are different from our competition.